My multipronged approach is presented in modules. These modules are best implemented in a phased approach manner. It is said, "Rome was not built in a day." Together with your employees, it is ensured that communication, collaboration and cooperation will be the bedrock of any implementation. In this way, the assurance that the safety rating will continuously seek to self-improve can be guaranteed to a very good degree.
I offer seminars, targeted and customized training, analysis of company's safety status and safety & accident project management.
Seminars with workshops on all the various modules of the multipronged approach to safety management. Seminars are not tailor-made to an organisation but offer a good introduction to the module.
For tailor made solutions see the services on offer.
Custom designed Competency Based Training after conduction of a Training Needs Analysis for each of the modules of the multipronged approach to safety management.
After completion of such training, the participants will have the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes to implement the knowledge acquired in their working environment.
Conduct of Gap, SWOT adn PESTLE Analysis on an organization's safety status.
The Gap Analysis is to determine the current safety regime versus the desired state.
SWOT Analysis seeks to determine the strengths of an organization's safety regime. These strengths must be recognized and further improved to ensure a robust regime. The weaknesses of the safety regime would also be analysed and a determination made as to the best inputs to be made to counter these weaknesses.
Assessment of the Opportunities to improve safety as well as the threats inherent in the working environment that may destroy all the gains made will be through PESTLE.
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1 hr
70 US dollarsI'm a tagline. Click here to add your own text and edit me.
1 hr
70 US dollarsI'm a tagline. Click here to add your own text and edit me.
90 US dollarsI'm a tagline. Click here to add your own text and edit me.
1 hr 30 min
120 US dollarsI'm a tagline. Click here to add your own text and edit me.
90 US dollarsI'm a tagline. Click here to add your own text and edit me.
1 hr
80 US dollars
Accident Investigation Panel as the Project Manager to guide the work of the subject matter experts.