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Thou shall not put the Lord to the Test

Writer: Raynold AtadjaRaynold Atadja
A dead person with a toe tag

The Israelites demanded a miracle from God and Moses warned them not to test God.

Fast forward a couple of thousands of years and we see the devil demanding a miracle from God. This time, God Himself says you should not put Him to the test.

Fast forward again a couple thousands of years and we see you demanding a miracle from God.

But then, you ask, when did I demand a miracle from God? When did I test God?

Verily I say onto you are putting the Lord to the test:

·       any time you engage in an activity without assessing the risk involved – 78% of all preventable injury-related deaths happen in homes. According to the US National Safety Council, the home accident death rate (per 100,000 population) has steadily increased over time. All age groups under 24 years old were less likely to die from home accidents than people 25 years and above. Age does not constitute wisdom in this case.

·       any time you are distracted while engaging in a potentially dangerous activity that demands all your attention – 58% of industrial workplace physical injury and death were caused by digital distraction. The Transport Research Laboratory found that, reaching for an object increases a driver's risk of crashing by 800%.

·       any time you do not put on your protection while engaged in a potentially dangerous activity that requires you to have on your protection – Each year, an estimated 15,000 lives are saved by wearing a seat belt. Motorcycle helmets reduced the risk of head injuries by 69%. In 2020, 374 million new sexually transmitted infections occurred globally the majority which could have been prevented with the correct use of condoms.

God has given you a head with brains in it. Please use it and stop putting Him to the test.


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