This is our Corporate Social Responsibility -
That the youth deserve to live an untruncated life

It is our goal at Sennzel Consults to bring the gospel of safety to the youth in high schools before they embark on life as independent adults. Together, we can make a big dent in this unnecessary tragedy which continues to claim more lives than all known diseases put together! (Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
The Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS) reports that drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 are three times more likely to be involved in a crash than drivers over 20.
More than 60% of road traffic fatalities occurred in children and young persons under 35 years of age - Epidemiology of Road Traffic Accidents in Ghana

This, and the many other accident statistics all point to one major concern - the youth are disproportionately involved in accidents. When we consider that about 90% of all accidents involve human error, targeting the safety culture of the youth will help bring down the unnecessary loss of life.
We ask you to partner with us to achieve this noble goal of giving our youth the opportunity to live into adulthood. No amount is too small. Click here to donate. For donations in kind or to learn more, please contact us on our WhatsApp number (+233-20-770-5322) or email - sennzelconsults@gmail.com